We are desperate for money. Please help us pay by sending the largest contribution you can afford. NJTO must pay for doing mailings, maintaining a web site and other costs. Our volunteer organization is completely dependent on contributions from supporters like you. Because of that, we owe our allegiance only to you, not to some big government or corporate agency. If we don’t get a big infusion of funds, we will likely have to shut our doors.
For the last 42 years, NJTO has been the voice of tenants in New Jersey. Keep our voice alive. Please use the form below to make your donation. You may print it out on your printer and send via regular mail with your check included.
Phone: Day ______________________ Evening ______________________________
Address __________________________________________________ Apt. # ________
email ______________________________________________________
City ________________________________________________ Zip Code __________
_______ Enclosed is: $25.00
Annual dues in NJTO
Contribution to keep the doors open
Total enclosed
Please mail your check to: NJTO, 96 Linwood Plaza #233
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Make a Pledge to NJTO
Defend Tenants Rights!
Send your check to:
96 Linwood Plaza Box #233
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
If you have any questions email NJTO
at njto11@verizon.net
Print this page and send it with your check.